Monday, October 11, 2010

Not Taking My Health For Granted

Lanie mentioned a while back about a friend of hers who had some major health problems. That was one of the major reasons she decided on this journey. I am an advocate for childhood cancer research. Her words of not taking her health for granted really touched me. With all of my frustration of the last few weeks, I was reminded again about not taking my health for granted. I lost a friend to liver failure. She was 34 years old. She just passed last week, I found out about it last night. I am very sad, to say the least. It is a reminder to not take my health for granted. She leaves behind a little girl. She did not take her health for granted. She did everything she could to be healthy while I ate when I wasn't hungry.

This is hard. And it sucks.


  1. So sorry about losing your friend. Cancer is a horrible horrible disease and we are learning more about it every day. I hope we can save others from the misery that will be faced by her loved ones :(

  2. So sad, Mandy, especially about the little one she leaves behind. You are right, if we are so lucky to be alive and healthy, we should not take it for granted. I lost my father to Cancer to and he wanted to live so much. I often thought that in tribute to my dad's love for life I really should treat my body with more respect...and I am trying every day.

  3. I'm so sorry Mandy. It certainly puts my little stuff in perspective.

  4. That definitely makes you stop and think!

  5. I am so sorry that you lost your friend. *hug*

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss!

    Polar's Mom
